Professional Agile training

We offer Agile training, designed to transform your working practices. Interactively, we shape ourselves around your business, in a one-day overview or a five-day course. As you please. Our coaches think differently, question everything, and create solutions that work instantly. We have designed our courses to keep you focused and stimulated so you can rely on the trainer’s expertise rather than the joy of numerous slides. During our training, we focus on best practices instead of dull theory. Our trainers prefer exercising with you so that you can put theory into practice in the blink of an eye. We want you and your team to learn in a positive interactive environment that provides all learning styles. Learn today what you can use from tomorrow!

Why Agile training?

Applying the agile mantra

Inspect and adapt! We take great pride in the positive feedback we receive from customers and delegate. So that we can continuously improve our training solutions.

Covering the bigger picture

Our trainings are part of your bigger picture. How will your learnings fit into the culture of your organization? We help you implement and achieve optimal results.

Creating the right blend

You and your team have your own unique needs and pressing time scales. We combine classroom training, remote training and “training on the job”, as suits you best.

Executing the blend

On top of creating the right blend, we ensure your training becomes embedded in your organization. We realize that through coaching and consultancy.

Our offering

Inhouse training

Every few months, we offer our regular trainings. Do you prefer to organize a tailor-made training for your team, preferably in-house? That is also possible. Just drop us a note and we will contact you shortly.

    We only use your contact details to address you personally in our answer to your request. Unless you want to be kept informed of further activities. In that case, it is best to give your permission:

    Welcome to our Open Agile Café

    As Agile Coaching & Consultancy professionals, we have become experts in the practice of Agile. That’s why we apply the theory of Agile as common practice.

    We learn about the challenges that our clients face every day, as we support them in implementing Agile tools and processes in their projects and work environment. Evidently, we share this knowledge with organizations that experience similar struggles, but still have to find their way.

    We do this by organizing free Open Agile Cafés. These are short, standardized Agile knowledge sharing sessions. You may expect interactive sessions, filled with discussion and cases designed to help you simulate real practice, rather than an slides overdose.