
Why do we work Agile?

why do we work Agile

Why do we work Agile?

The SCRUM method has been popular in the IT world for some time. But why are we so convinced that Agile working is the best method for developing software? And what concrete benefits does this offer our customers? Why do we work Agile?

“The applications we build are often designed to replace an older, existing solution,” says Miranda, Agile consultant at Equalminds. “It often happens that we repeat the entire process: we develop the complete solution again from scratch. Of course, you could do this using the waterfall method, plotting out the project from A to Z and then delivering it.”

But while doing all this, the business is eagerly waiting for a result. “So you might not have time to understand and map out all the processes in advance. Because on a waterfall project, you present to the business the solution only at the very end of the process, you risk building something that doesn’t do what the business wants, or that simply no longer suits the company because it has evolved in the meantime.”

That’s why it’s better to develop Agile

An Agile approach — for example using the scrum method — creates room for adjustments, so you deliver small pieces of working software through short sprints of approximately two weeks. “You first achieve the things that involve the data and processes you already know enough about. In the meantime, you continue looking for what you don’t know yet, but need to know to complete the other parts of the solution.”

“In addition, you can first focus on what’s most important to the business. After that, you’ll achieve results faster, and you’ll be able to show what you’ve done faster and get useful feedback. Both developers and the business quickly learn whether the project is on the right track. If it isn’t, you can quickly make adjustments.”

However, there’s also a disadvantage to Agile development. “Once business employees see what a piece of software allows you to do, they might want more, or perhaps too much. A project can quickly expand till it’s bursting at the seams.” The key is to keep assessing whether the requested position is really important. Is the business needlessly engaging in “gold-plating” — wanting to go further than is strictly necessary?

Mutual commitment

Agile software development also requires commitment. “The business must engage people with analytical insight and support within the organization. You need product owners who invest time to come up with feasible requirements based on working closely with the business. You have to test the result and get feedback. And you must do all this to a tight timeline because the project has to move forward.”

“At Equalminds we think along with the business of our customers, to get to know their business, its operations, and its challenges, so that we know how to make a difference. We don’t blindly implement what our customers ask for but rather consider whether the requested solution is the best one for them, one that fits with the bigger picture. Ultimately we want to help the customer move forward, and that’s only possible if we’re working together, always on the ball, always presenting new results, and adjusting where necessary.”


The relationship of trust between the business and developers is crucial. “If you work Agile, you shouldn’t get into endless discussions about who asked or said what and who did not. Everyone must trust that all questions and feedback have been properly recorded and that the developers have taken the necessary action. You waste too much time with endless yes-or-no discussions. And even more so if you keep changing things as a result, because that means the project won’t get done. You can’t build without trust.”

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