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Learn what it takes to become agile in HR and how it can help you achieve different HR objectives. From redesigning recruitment processes, applying Agile leadership, and setting performance indicators. In short, Agile for HR helps fill in the gaps!


This interactive training is designed for you as HR and the organization you support.

As an HR professional, you’ll learn what the agile mindset is and how this contributes to achieving different HR objectives and supports different departments. Step by step, we help you get a clear grip on the concept of Agile working, leadership, motivation, communication, as well as Agile rewarding.

This training will surely help if you’re looking to improve the way you manage recruitment processes and talent management. Or if you’re searching to improve internal teamwork and employee motivation. Expect to learn more about how to manage recruitment and look for candidates that exemplify agility. Learn to measure where requirements shift continuously, and innovative talents are hard to get by.

The focus of this training lies in helping you make the shift to the Agile mindset, as well as bringing structure to your department, and business. Thus, improving how teams work and handle changes.

Target audience

The training is designed for HR professionals who are new to Agile, but who want to find out the benefits of it. It is recommended for HR professionals who are looking to set a new standard in their organization. Read: for collaboration and decision-making with a focus on agility.

This course is especially relevant for organizations that might be experiencing a large amount of change. As HR, you’ll receive hands-on training in the Agile framework in a format that teaches you the intricacies of people management, communication, and organizational structuring.

It is equally relevant when you’re looking to improve performance management and employee growth or simply optimize the agility of teams and individuals.

Ultimate goal

This interactive training covers deeper knowledge of the Agile mindset, values, and workings through Kanban. It explains multiple Agile frameworks, so you understand the way teams work in your organization and you’ll better understand the requirements of different teams. First of all, you’ll learn tips and tricks, as well as do’s and don’ts. Then you’ll get clear insights into the inner workings of Kanban. These insights are key to implementing Kanban successfully, maximizing the value for the organization, and the optimal use of resources.

This way, you’ll master the most essential frameworks for an effective Agile organization. And of course, you’ll learn to better manage the changing workloads in HR.

This course treats:


What is Agile for HR and how HR can help implement Agile

  • Agility
    • Agile principles
    • Agile frameworks
    • Agile in HR
  • Organization
    • Organizational structures
  • Responsibilities
    • HR Responsibilities
    • Roles in Agile Frameworks
  • Motivation
    • Motivation models
    • Reiss motivation model
  • Evaluation
    • How agile teams should be evaluated
  • How to recruit agile profiles
  • Leadership
    • Communication and leadership styles
    • DISC test
  • Leadership in agile


Agile tooling

    • The SCRUM framework
    • Principles
    • Events
    • Ceremonies
    • Roles and responsibilities
  • KanBan
    • The values and principles of Kanban
    • Lean Principles
    • Exercise: The airplane factory
    • The importance of a Kanban board
    • Workflows
    • Identify and solve workflow bottlenecks
    • Roles
    • Lead and cycle time
    • Exercise Build a city
    • Set up an HR KanBan board
    • Do’s and don’ts from the field
    • Set and manage Kanban KPI’s


Time 09.00 – 17.00

Location 2550 Edegem

Cost 1500 EUR

Language Dutch

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