Open Agile Café

Agile 4 All

AI through the Eyes of a Business Analyst

Dear partner

Fancy a bit of Agile action? We notice that developers regularly come to us with questions about Agile. That is why we are organizing an interactive session about Agile 4 All, aimed at developers and Agile enthusiasts.

Agile working was a game-changer in how we approach things in IT. It’s all about flexibility, teamwork, and most importantly: customer satisfaction.

During this session, we will discuss what exactly Agile means, share some useful tips and tricks, and brainstorm on how to apply them in your organization.

For those with experience with agile working, there is the opportunity to ask questions to our Agile experts.


We offer you a nice overview of the basics of Agile and how we can make them work for us. On top of that, we tell funny (and sometimes perhaps frustrating) stories about previous Agile projects. Lastly, we give you all the time and space to ask questions, discuss, and chat with your colleagues.

So, free up your calendar and join us for a fun and educational session. Let us know if you have any questions or want us to handle a specific topic!



  • 30 April 2024
  • 17.30 – 20.00
  • Prins Boudewijnlaan 43, 2650 Edegem – First floor – Fieldside offices


    Wij gebruiken je contactgegevens enkel voor de organisatie van dit Agile Café en bewaren deze daarna niet, tenzij je op de hoogte wil blijven van verdere activiteiten en/of je informatie wenst te ontvangen over onze diensten. In dat geval geef je best je toestemming:

    We are delighted to welcome you to our second Open Agile Café of 2024!

    Warm regards

    Peter Heyns & Nicolas De Greef

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