How Big Things Get Done
The Surprising Factors Behind Every Successful Project, from Home Renovations to Space Exploration
There’s nothing more inspiring than witnessing a grand vision transform into a triumphant new reality. Consider how the Empire State Building evolved from a simple sketch to the crown jewel of New York’s skyline in just twenty-one months, or how Apple’s iPod went from a one-person project to a major product launch in eleven months.
These are remarkable stories. However, more often than not, big visions turn into nightmares. Take Boston’s “Big Dig,” for instance. Almost every major city around the world has experienced such a fiasco.
A staggering 92% of megaprojects end up over budget, behind schedule, or both. California’s high-speed rail project, for example, saw its cost balloon from $33 billion to $100 billion and still won’t reach the promised destinations.
Even smaller-scale efforts, such as starting a small business, organizing a conference, or completing a work project on time, frequently fail. Why is this?
Understanding the difference between success and failure has been the lifelong pursuit of Oxford professor Bent Flyvbjerg, known as “the world’s leading megaproject expert.” In his book “How Big Things Get Done,” he pinpoints the errors in judgment and decision-making that cause projects, both large and small, to fail.

He also outlines research-based principles to help you succeed, including:
- Know your odds: without this knowledge, you can’t win
- Plan slow, act fast: quick action feels right but is often wrong
- Think from the end goal backwards: identify the steps to reach your goal
- Use the Lego principle: build big projects from small components
- Create a team: success requires a collective effort
- Master the unknown unknowns: many fail because they believe it’s impossible, but Flyvbjerg shows how you can succeed
- Recognize that your biggest risk is yourself
Filled with vivid examples, from the construction of the Sydney Opera House to the making of the latest Pixar blockbusters and even a home renovation in Brooklyn gone wrong, “How Big Things Get Done” reveals how you complete any ambitious project on time and within budget.
Source – How Big Things Get Done:
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